Cloud Storage for Cloud Computing

Thursday, December 24, 20150 comments

Data is going to be the next big thing in the next decade and with the amount of data that will be handled increasing with an increase in its uses, we will require tremendous amounts of storage space to store such vast amounts of data. Cloud storage is one model of storing such humungous amounts of data in virtual space. It is a form of networked online storage system that are hosted by third party servers. The hosting companies themselves are depositories of large data centres and the people who require the data stored on the virtual storage either buys or lease storage capacity from these third party data centres.
Essentially the data centre operators, in the background, virtualise the resources required with the feedback from the end user who uses the servers. The uniqueness about cloud computing is that it allows users to use applications without installation on their personal computers and laptops and access their personal files at any location using the internet platform. This facility provided by the internet allows users to centralize data storage, processing and bandwidth. The humble email that we use for our daily communication uses is a good example of cloud computing.
When talking about the types of cloud computing we are able to list down the following types:
Infrastructure as a service
Platform as a service
Software as a service

Storage as a service
Security as a service
Data as a service
Test environment as a service
Desktop as a service
API as a service
The business model used in-house by organizations offering cloud computing is IT as a service, which can be abbreviated as ITaas. Using this service as the primary drivers of your organizations requires a lot of commitment from your side as it is very laborious to set up but once set up can be easily leveraged to serve your business needs.
Some systems that enjoy a similar stature in the IT enabled services domain are the following:
Autonomic computing
Client-server model
Grid computing
Mainframe computer
Utility computing
Cloud gaming
When we talk of autonomic computing we mean these are computer systems which are capable of self management. In case of the client server model, it is any distributed application that helps distinguish between servers and clients. Grid computing involves a network composed of super and virtual computers forming a group and acting either in the form of distributed computing or parallel computing. Mainframe computers are large computers used by organizations used invariably for bulk data processing like censuses, etc.
Utility computing can be compared to other metered utilities such as electricity and it involves the packaging of computing resources such as computation and storage. Distributed architecture which does not need central coordination in which participants are both suppliers and consumers of resources is peer to peer computing. Cloud gaming is an application that is also called as on-demand gaming and is a good way of delivering games to computers. The gaming data is stored in the gaming service provider's computer and it can be accessed at will with the use of a user name and password.

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